Call Customer Service 506-88443527 & 506-87293415

  • Mastering & Recording

    We offer mastering & recording services for very good prices. Our professional audio quality always distinguishes us and highlights the best of your song. Our working area covers a flat frequency range from 0hz to 20khz perfect for any decision.

  • DJ Sessions

    Our DJ Booth also covers a flat frequency range from 33hz to 20 khz with nice acoustics and definition. We are always ready for any streaming, recording, practice or classes. Ask about our comfortable prices.

  • Other Services

    We also offer photo sessions, website design & hosting for DJs with our professional photographer & designer Mari Jenkins, she is also manager of our studio so you can easily get your DJ appointment with her. Perhaps we can help you with your other needs, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Our Team